Episode 21

Published on:

6th Apr 2021

What Easter Can Teach Us About Stewardship

If we take some time and space to reflect, there’s quite a bit that we can learn about stewardship from the death and resurrection of Christ.

Note: This episode is a little different as it’s actually the audio from the monthly video update that I send my email subscribers over at Storyline Financial Planning. Check out the show notes, by clicking the link below, if you’d like to join that email list.


You can view the full show notes by clicking the link below:


Show artwork for Building Stewards

About the Podcast

Building Stewards
Biblical Wisdom Where Your Faith & Finances Meet
Am I managing my personal finances in a God honoring way? What does biblical stewardship look like? As a Christian, what should my view of money be? These are just some questions that you, and other Christians, are pondering day in and day out. To be frank, there aren't a lot of places for Christians to turn to get these answers AND any answers that come back are typically conflicted in some way or another.

I'm Donovan Brooks, CFP®, CKA® and I'm your host. My hope is to educate, encourage, and engage you on your stewardship journey. I'll cover everything from budgeting to preparing the next steward to take over what you've been able to build. You'll leave every episode with value and something actionable.

Join me each episode as I take aim at advancing biblical stewardship in the hearts of Christians everywhere.

“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein, for He has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers." -Psalm 24:1-2 (ESV)

About your host